Thursday, September 15, 2011

Did I Missoni something?

Not entirely...

So I didn't even know that there was going to be a Missoni for Target line. It wasn't until I saw on Facebook that a large group of my friends were upset on Tuesday that everything was sold out at 8am. The website crashed for goodness sakes!!! That is a ton of fashion frenzied females (and males, who knows) trying to purchase some cost effective designer products! Don't get me wrong, I think that the majority of the collection is super cute but I just don't have a keen enough fashion radar that I know exactly when designers are launching their discount lines. I guess I need to work on that. I really wish that I had gotten a few of the clothing items. Especially the super cute infinity scarf and that cool pancho/jacket thing! Darn.

So I was at my local small town Target today and I noticed that the Missoni racks were devoid of Missoni products. They had some generic Mossimo sweaters hanging on the black and white chevron patterned racks. Since I didn't go to Target to buy Missoni (please, that dream was over before it began) I went about my regular shopping.

Low and behold I stumbled upon one tiny rack in the accessories department that had the scraps of what was left from Tuesday's debut. Most of it was for the little girls. There was some lingerie and some rain boots which I need neither of. But... I did find this...

And this...

I also found these...

But the quality of the suede was poor and I really didn't think that they would last. The black of the suede was rubbing off on the inside of the box and the toes were already shiny from it rubbing off. So I left them on the shelf.

I am much more happy with buying my cute new favorite coffee mug and my cool serving platter. 'Cause that is just how I roll.

Did you get you a piece of Missoni? If you didn't do you care? 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

It is beginning to "look" like fall!

I attended my nephews baseball practice the other day and it was nice and cloudy out. Driving up to the baseball field in my car I got an overwhelming "fall feeling". It just looked colder outside. I usually get the "fall feeling" around this time of year and I immediately wax nostalgic about school supplies (sharpened pencils, brightly colored never-been-written-in notebooks, new backpacks). I loved this time of year as a kid and I still love it now. I start itching to crack out the boots and scarves! I really want to put together an outfit like this...

Image via thevintageapple

Unfortunately, being that I live in Florida, when I stepped out of the car to walk up to the practice field I was enveloped in a blanket of humidity and 90something temperatures. The illusion was broken. No scarves or boots in this girls near future. Probably another couple of months of flip-flops and tank-tops.

Oh well. I can't complain too much seeing as the rest of the country has been dealing with some pretty horrific weather as of late. We have had a relatively mild summer in the grand scheme of things and I will gladly take a few more months of warm temperatures in lieu of record breaking heat, massive fires, earthquakes, and epic flooding.

I am counting my blessings but I am still dreaming of scarves, boots, and Pumpkin Spiced Lattes!